Your contact
TransMIT Center for Adaptive Cryotechnology and Sensors
Director: Prof. Dr. André Schirmeisen
Dr. Jens Falter
Project Manager Cryocooler Systems
Heinrich-Buff-Ring 16
D-35392 Giessen
Phone +49 (6 41) 99 - 3 34 63
Fax +49 (6 41) 99 - 3 34 09
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TransMIT Center for Adaptive Cryotechnology and Sensors
Founded in 1998 the center continously develops and manufactures pulse tube cold heads and dry cryostats working at cryogenic temperatures. Since the in-house invention of the first two stage 4K GM-pulse tube cryocooler, the center is specialized for the adaptation of low noise cooling to a large variety of cryogenic applications.