Your contact
TransMIT Center for Adaptive Cryotechnology and Sensors
Director: Prof. Dr. André Schirmeisen
Dr. Jens Falter
Project Manager Cryocooler Systems
Heinrich-Buff-Ring 16
D-35392 Giessen
Phone +49 (6 41) 99 - 3 34 63
Fax +49 (6 41) 99 - 3 34 09
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Who we are
We are pleased to introduce ourselves
The TransMIT Center for Adaptive Cryotechnology and Sensors looks back on a long time of experience in cryogenic research and engineering.
The center emerged from the "Low--power cryocooler group" at the Institute for Applied Physics, Justus-Liebig-University in 1998. Since the earliest days of the in house invention of the world first two stage 4K GM-type pulse tube cooler, the center continuously provides up to date solutions for "dry" cryostats to the market. In close cooperation with the university, the center is able to present leading products as e.g. the world smallest 4K GM pulse tube cold head for low noise applications. As small spin up team, the center accounts for individual requirements and tailors innovative cryocooler solutions.